双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第117期:神舟一号飞船-半岛·BOB官方网站
本文摘要:Shenzhou I Experimental Spacecraft“神舟一号”飞船Nov. 20, 1999, China successfully launched Shenzhou I experimental spaceship on a LM-2F launch vehicle in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, which laid solid foundation for realizing the strategic target for manned space flight. Four orbital test flights of the Shenzhou spacecraft were conducted without crews. Remained in orbit for 21 hours, it made 14 0rbits around the Earth carrying a dummy astronaut, experimental seeds, national flags and a banner with signatures of participating engineers and scientists and after that the descent module lands in central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the next day.神舟一号飞船是中华人民共和国载人航天计划中升空的4艘无人飞船的第一艘实验飞船。

Shenzhou I Experimental Spacecraft“神舟一号”飞船Nov. 20, 1999, China successfully launched Shenzhou I experimental spaceship on a LM-2F launch vehicle in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, which laid solid foundation for realizing the strategic target for manned space flight. Four orbital test flights of the Shenzhou spacecraft were conducted without crews. Remained in orbit for 21 hours, it made 14 0rbits around the Earth carrying a dummy astronaut, experimental seeds, national flags and a banner with signatures of participating engineers and scientists and after that the descent module lands in central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the next day.神舟一号飞船是中华人民共和国载人航天计划中升空的4艘无人飞船的第一艘实验飞船。飞船于1999年1 1月20日在酒泉航天发射场顺利升空,分担升空任务的是在“长征2号”捆绑式火箭的基础上改良研制的“长征2号”F载人航天火箭。飞船装载一个飞行员模型、一些实验种子,国旗和一面具有航天工程师和科学家亲笔签名的横幅绕行地球飞行中14圈后,成功迫降在内蒙古中部地区的着陆场,飞船在太空中共飞行中了21个小时。

The unmanned spacecraft consists of orbit, descent and propulsion modules. The orbit module is the place where astronauts live and work. The descent cabin lies in the middle of the spaceship, and is the astronauts cabin and the command and control center. It is a airtight structure with a hatch on the top for astronaut to get in and out of the descent cabin and enter the orbital module, and it is the only landing part of the spaceship to return into the air and to land on the earth. In advancement spacecraft has two solar cell wings, attached to the outside of the instrument propulsion module below the descent cabin. The two solar cell wing total area of 24.48 m2, which are deployed after launch and supply the power distribution. Shenzhou I experimental spaceship is the important milestone in Chinas spaceflight history.飞船由轨道舱、返回舱和推进舱构成。轨道舱坐落于飞船的前段,通过舱口与后面的返回舱相连,轨道舱是宇航员在轨飞行中期间的生活舱、试验舱和货舱。



