本文摘要:China has passed a sweeping law tightening restrictions on internet freedoms, a contentious move that foreign businesses say threatens to shut them out of one of the world’s biggest technology markets.中国通过了一部全面放宽对互联网权利的容许的法律,外国企业回应,这一争议行径使得它们有被身兼世界仅次于科技市场之一的中国市场回避独自的危险性。

China has passed a sweeping law tightening restrictions on internet freedoms, a contentious move that foreign businesses say threatens to shut them out of one of the world’s biggest technology markets.中国通过了一部全面放宽对互联网权利的容许的法律,外国企业回应,这一争议行径使得它们有被身兼世界仅次于科技市场之一的中国市场回避独自的危险性。Overseas groups have been lobbying Beijing to amend the cyber security law since it was first mooted in 2014 but the final version, which was adopted yesterday, left most of the controversial sections intact.自《网络安全法》2014年开始草拟以来,海外团体仍然在游说北京方面修改草案内容。

但昨日通过的最后版本表明,大多数争议内容仍原封不动地保有了下来。Provisions in the new rules, which come into effect next June, require operators of “critical information infrastructure” to store certain personal and business data in China, undergo national security reviews and assist the country’s security agencies.该法将于明年6月起生效,其中的条款拒绝“关键信息基础设施”的运营者将特定个人信息和商业数据存储在中国境内、展开国家安全性评估并对中国的安全性机构不予帮助。

Analysts say other clauses could be used to ban foreign technology in communications, encryption and even the internet of things as China develops its own systems, products and algorithms.分析师称之为,在中国发展自己的系统、产品和算法之际,该法的其他条款可以用来在通信、加密、甚至物联网领域删除外国技术。The American Chamber of Commerce in China said yesterday that the law was “a step backwards for innovation” because it placed restrictions on cross-border data flows and seemed “to emphasise protectionism rather than security”.中国美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce)昨日回应,该法“对创意而言是衰退了一步”,因为它对跨境数据流动产生了容许,或许“着重于贸易保护主义而非安全性”。The broad restrictions “provide no security benefits but will create barriers to Chinese as well as foreign companies operating in industries where data needs to be shared internationally,” Jim Zimmerman, the chamber’s chairman, said in a statement.这种大范围的容许“并不带给安全性方面的益处,却将生产障碍,不仅妨碍在数据必须全球分享的行业中经营的外国企业,也妨碍在这些行业中经营的中国企业,”该商会会长詹姆斯.齐默尔曼(James Zimmerman)在声明中回应。

However, Zhao Zeliang of the Cyberspace Administration of China insisted yesterday that “we are not setting a trade barrier to foreign internet products, neither are we limiting technologies and products from coming into China”.然而,中国国家互联网信息办公室(Cyberspace Administration of China)的赵泽良昨日否认,“网络安全法不是要容许国外的技术、产品,也不是要做贸易壁垒……我们的网络安全法不是要容许国外的技术、产品的转入”。He said: “The goal of the cyber security law is to protect internet safety [and] national security and protect the interests of the public.”他说道:“制订网络安全法就是要确保网络空间的国家主权,就是要确保网络空间的国家安全性,就是要确保公共利益。”Mr Zhao added that the law was primarily aimed at preventing service providers from illegally obtaining user information or controlling user devices. He said it was aimed at controlling “unequal competition and unlawful profits”.赵泽良补足称之为,该法首先是要制止产品和服务提供者非法提供用户信息或非法掌控用户设备。

他称之为该法旨在遏止产品和服务提供者“做不正当竞争、攫取不不顾一切利益”。Shen Yi of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University defended the law, saying “there’s no need to exaggerate the requirements on key equipment and security products for foreign companies”.复旦大学(Fudan University)国际关系与公共事务学院的沈逸为该法申辩称之为,“没适当高估在关键设备和安全性产品上对外国企业的拒绝”。

He highlighted the fact that the regulation on data transfers abroad only applied to “key information infrastructure providers”.他特别强调了一个事实,即对向国外传输数据的监管只针对“关键信息基础设施的提供者”。James McGregor, head of consultancy Apco Worldwide, which works with a number of technology companies, said that much would depend on how the law was interpreted by regulators.咨询公司安可顾问(APCO Worldwide)大中华区主席麦健陆(James McGregor)称之为,这相当大程度上各不相同监管者如何说明该法。安可顾问与多家科技公司有业务联系。

“All laws in China contain vague definitions so regulators have lots of leeway and flexibility in interpretation and implementation,” he explained. “This cyber security law could be viewed as quite threatening to foreign technology companies.”“中国所有法律都有模糊不清的定义,所以监管者在说明和继续执行法律时有相当大的空间和灵活性度,”他说明称之为,“这部《网络安全法》可以被视作对外国科技公司具备非常的威胁。”China’s internet is already subject to the world’s most sophisticated online censorship mechanism, known outside the country as the Great Firewall, but the restrictions proposed by the law go beyond what has previously been banned, according to freedom of speech advocates.中国互联网早已受限于世界上最简单的网络审查机制——该机制被国外称作“长城防火墙”(Great Firewall)。但言论自由的拥护者回应,《网络安全法》所明确提出的那些容许的针对面好比仅限于之前已禁令的那些东西。

“The already heavily censored internet in China needs more freedom, not less,” Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement.“中国早已被严苛审查的互联网必须更加多权利,而不是更加较少。”人权仔细观察(Human Rights Watch)中国部主任索菲.理查森(Sophie Richardson)在一份声明中回应。The new law has been causing concern among foreign business for two years as a series of drafts have trickled out. In August, more than 40 industry groups worldwide expressed their fears in a letter to the country’s premier, Li Keqiang.这部新法在一系列草案一点点发布的过程中,早已让外国企业担忧了两年。8月份,全球多达40家行业团体致函中国总理李克强,传达了自己的忧虑。

